Oedipus: Rami Malek is oddly ‘stilted’ in ‘tantalising’ production

Oedipus: Rami Malek is oddly 'stilted' in 'tantalising' production

Oedipus: Rami Malek is oddly 'stilted' in 'tantalising' production

“The opening is dazzling”, said Sarah Crompton in What’s On Stage. “A chant of Oedipus. A man trapped in a smoky shaft of light, unable to escape his destiny. A blackout and dancers emerge from the gloom, pulsing and writhing to the pounding soundtrack…” Then we catch our first glimpse of Oedipus (Rami Malek), dressed in a white suit and “raised on a gleaming stage”.

Matthew Warchus and Hofesh Shechter’s new production of Sophocles’ family tragedy gets off to a “fabulous” start. But while there are “tantalising” flashes of “wonder” along the way, it struggles to sustain the “intensity” set out in those first few moments.

#Oedipus #Rami #Malek #oddly #stilted #tantalising #production

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