What will it take for us to finally demand enforcement of Hawaii’s fireworks ban? Will 20 people have to die or be maimed for life? Will an entire neighborhood have to be destroyed by fire before we wake up? It’s not fun — fireworks today don’t resemble the popping firecrackers of our youth.
Who benefits and gets rich off our misery when you buy illegal fireworks? Organized crime is involved in illegal fireworks. It harms our environment. Smoke exacerbates health issues. Explosions cause anguish to our vets and others who suffer from PTSD. Pets and wildlife are traumatized.
Think of the strain on first responders and hospital staff. Think of loss of sleep, anxiety and damage that fireworks cause. And for what? Entertainment? Excitement? This is not cultural.
Take a stand now. Prevent a tragedy, save a life. Do the right thing.
Do celebrate, but leave fireworks to the professionals.
Rick and Kehau Hartsell
Downtown Honolulu
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