Plow drivers earn green while the white stuff flies

Plow drivers earn green while the white stuff flies

Plow drivers earn green while the white stuff flies

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – More snow making its way through the area has kept snow removal services busy. Unlike most of us, they’re happy to see this weather.

After a couple of mild winters, snow removal services welcome this snowfall with open arms. As long as it’s steady and they aren’t getting walloped, they’re just fine because the white stuff has them seeing green.

Ever since the flakes started flying, Jeremy Fitzpatrick and his company Fitz Outdoors have been hard at work.

“The last event two or three days ago we were up to 30 hours,” Fitzpatrick said.

He’s been plowing parking lots and driveways all day.

“We prioritize based on opening. We prioritize based on their request,” Fitzpatrick said.

Over the past five days, Fitzpatrick and his crews have prioritized their routes, tackling each location with one of four pick pickup trucks decked out with plows and stocked full of salt.

“We have some manufacturing facilities that we’ll hit three or four times a night depending on the duration of the storm. So it’s not uncommon for us to hit it multiple times a day,” Fitzpatrick said.

He’s thankful that the storm that’s battering portions of the country with heavy snow and ice is sparring much of Mahoning County with a lighter form of precip.

“This is nice and easy, especially for the shovel crews. they don’t mind this snow,” Fitzpatrick said

And depending on how long the snow lasts determines just how long his plows will be on the ground.”

We’ll have to check on it nonstop. Even if the snow stops right now, I guarantee I’ll be back out here at two in the morning,” he said.

#Plow #drivers #earn #green #white #stuff #flies

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