Watch Thieves Steal A Camaro With Ease

Watch Thieves Steal A Camaro With Ease
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Watch Thieves Steal A Camaro With EaseWatch Thieves Steal A Camaro With Ease
Watch Thieves Steal A Camaro With Ease

A 2023 Chevy Camaro valued at over $70,000 was stolen with ease by thieves in a South Florida apartment complex parking lot, the whole thing caught on camera. The owner of the pricey muscle car says he never thought someone would actually steal his ride, learning a very painful and expensive lesson.

See how thieves stole a Mercedes from a dealership in broad daylight.

The theft happened in a “secure” parking lot of the luxury apartment complex, but the thieves didn’t seem to mind. Instead, they drove inside with another vehicle we can almost guarantee was also stolen and they head straight for the Camaro, like they knew exactly what they were after.

We’ve covered before how some Camaro owners claim their key fobs are especially easy to hack. In Los Angeles thefts of Camaros soared recently. These thieves seem to know the trick well, because in just moments they smash the window, start up the engine, and drive off as if they have the fob with them.

Speaking to NBC 6 South Florida, the owner was distraught the thieves also disabled the OnStar GPS tracking feature. But thieves who target GM cars do their homework and know how to take out the factory-installed security, which is true for every other brand. This is why we recommend using a secondary, aftermarket tracking device as well.

It also helps if you have an aftermarket device, such as a kill switch, which keeps thieves from hacking into and starting your car. That’s something the victim in this case says he’ll have installed in future vehicles, especially now that he knows theft doesn’t just happen to other people.

Also stolen from the same parking lot was a Ram TRX, another popular target for car thieves. Let this be a lesson to you that even if you don’t own a pricey ride, criminals might still want to take it. That’s especially true if you have a Kia or Hyundai.

Image via NBC 6 South Florida/YouTube

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