Mauritius: The International Kreol Festival Kicks Off in Le Morne – Mauritianism As an Offering.

Mauritius: The International Kreol Festival Kicks Off in Le Morne - Mauritianism As an Offering.

At the foot of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Napoleon Bonaparte took the measure of time and humility. It would not be wrong to say that Navin Ramgoolam, the Prime Minister, and Paul Bérenger, his deputy, having both visited the summit of the Morne mountain, were able to contemplate Creolité in all its splendour.

It was in fact in this symbolic place, at the foot of this mountain listed as a World Heritage Site, that the communion between a people and those who chart its destiny took place yesterday.

With two ministers conducting the orchestra, Richard Duval for Tourism and Mahen Gondeea for Culture, one could only shudder at the sound of the words that testified to the Creole richness of this island. Créolité, boté nou morisianism’, a theme that makes perfect sense, as Zanzak Arjoon, griot for the evening and philosopher of a mixed-race festival, points out.

This 19th edition of the Kreol Festival is all about sharing. And an offering to the other islands, which have also been invited to join in this tapestry of culinary, musical, literary and political expression. The setting of Le Morne reflects the sacred nature of this meeting of unity: ‘It is the expression of the soul and history of the former slaves’, says Mahen Gondeea. And ‘lapo kabri’ by the group Muzik Dezil thrills the mountain cliffs and the hearts of those present.

The importance of locating the Kreol Festival in the heart of the Cathedral of Le Morne is clear. In this place, men and women have preferred to be close to death, rather than let it enslave them. In a way, this event represents a liberation for all those who want to break free from ethnic compartmentalisation. For Creolity explodes the bars of the mind, and opens up human thought. ‘I’m taking responsibility for this event tonight,’ says Richard Duval. And from 12 to 22, we’ll be celebrating the beauty of Creolité together. We’re not just playing with words. Creolité is the living flame of our multicultural country. And this Festival today represents openness and fusion. It’s not for nothing that sega is now appreciated by all sections of the population.

And that’s what gives Festival Kreol its ‘special character, because we’re also calling on those who give a country its soul. Creolité has this intrinsic capacity to bring a people together. And to highlight the richness of Creole culture’, adds Richard Duval, himself the flamboyant heir of a man renowned for his celebration of Creole culture.

So it’s not just about trying to see Madagascar from the top of Le Morne. It’s also about showing the beauty of the island-archipelago, whose aura shines beyond the horizon, from Rodrigues to Saint-Brandon, via Agaléga and the Chagos. Not forgetting the Creole islands of Seychelles, Réunion, Guadeloupe and Martinique. Our Creole identity has become our strength. Where everyone respects each other’s identity. That’s why we want this Festival to become an unforgettable moment for everyone’, concluded the Minister of Tourism.

The four government representatives, Richard Duval, Mahen Gondeea, Paul Bérenger and Navin Ramgoolam were each presented with a ravan. The instrument that best personifies the Creole spirit so much in evidence at this Festival. To the sound of the ‘lapo kabri’ of the group Musik Dezil, those present let themselves be caught up in the past. And they took a dip in the Creole water. The Indian Sea, listening intently to the speeches, nodded in waves. A great moment of unity and mutual respect. And it won’t be ephemeral,’ promised an ecstatic Paul Bérenger.