Hawaii correctional staff struggling with health issues due to overwork

Hawaii correctional staff struggling with health issues due to overwork

Hawaii correctional staff struggling with health issues due to overwork

HONOLULU (KHON2) — A new survey has revealed that the vast majority of correctional staff in Hawaii are struggling with serious health conditions due to understaffing and overwork.

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The survey, conducted among more than 800 employees across eight correctional facilities statewide, found that 3 out of 5 workers reported suffering from conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

The findings were presented at a legislative hearing at the State Capitol.

Christin Johnson, coordinator of the Hawaii Correctional System Oversight Commission, spoke about the challenges faced by the state’s correctional staff.

“As we toured the jails and prisons and spoke with staff, we consistently heard how difficult it is to work in those environments, and we wanted them to know we hear their concerns,” Johnson said. “We want to work with them to make the changes they need to do their jobs.”

A staffing report presented by the Hawaii Correctional System Oversight Commission highlighted several recommendations to address these issues.

The report suggested reducing mandatory overtime, offering better pay and benefits, and providing additional training and support for staff.

It also called for better communication within the system and focused wellness initiatives, including enhanced mental health resources to help staff cope with the pressures of their work.

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The commission’s recommendations aim to improve working conditions and the overall wellbeing of Hawaii’s correctional employees, who have faced increased stress due to chronic understaffing and difficult working conditions.

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