Queen Colleen did an amazing job representing Calhoun of course all of us in Kampsville knew she would. If you’ve ever met Colleen, you know exactly what I’m saying, she’s fabulous. On a personal note she grew up playing at my house with Olivia and Emmie and so I’m Nanny to her. She’s also a member of the Kids Christmas and Halloween Party Committee. Just when I thought this Nanny couldn’t be prouder she proved me wrong. Watching her compete in the top 16 when asked about the importance of being involved in organizations, she answered about her favorite things as a kid growing up in Kampsville were the Halloween and Christmas parties and how she continues to be a part of them so all kids can grow up with those happy memories. Well my eyes filled with tears. Queen Colleen you are amazing! All of Kampsville couldn’t be any prouder.
The cold temperatures have iced up our river and caused the Kampsville Ferry to be closed. They tried to open briefly Saturday but there was just too much ice. I got on the last load Saturday morning coming home from my grandson Schaefer’s ballgame in Pawnee. There was a great big Eagle sitting on the ice. So the Eagles are back as well as our geese on the riverfront. They really are something to see.
“It’s always a great week to be a Warrior!” Lady Warriors Basketball won first in the Spartan Classic. Boys Warriors Basketball won third in the Winchester Tournament and Scholastic Bowl also took first place at their first meet of the season. Congratulations also to all tournament players. Kate Zipprich, Audrey Gilman, Sadie Kiel, Lane Eilerman and Connor Longnecker.
Get those tickets bought and help us find our Queen.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest January 26 at Calhoun Elementary Gymnasium beginning at Noon for all boys and girls ages 9-14.
Calhoun Entertainment Company Spring Musical “Cinderella” March 27-30 at Center for American Archeology Gym.
Happy 40 Birthday Jacinda Hurley she was the guest of honor at a suprise party Saturday evening at Big John’s.
Sympathy to Jeane Bland on the loss of her sister Donna Hair. Please keep Jeane in your thoughts and prayers and
please add Mark Angel to your prayers. Continue prayers for Kurt Roth, Gary Gress, Cindy Sievers, Billie Jo Eickmeyer, Linda Herkert, Isabel McGlaughin, Kiera Sievers, Joyce Blumenberg, Diane Rose, Sue Aderton, Connor Gilman and Luanne Baalman.
#Kampsville #News #January #River #County #News
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