A devastated landlord says the owners of his 200-year-old pub are set to close the venue and knock it down.
The Bull Inn in London Road, Dover, will shut at the end of February, having first opened its doors in 1823.
Warren Kingsnorth, who has run the pub for the past 14 years, admits it is a “terrible shame” and if it were up to him, he would happily stay.
Originally owned by Apple Taverns, funeral directors W.J Farrier & Son bought the pub and its land years ago but allowed it to continue trading as a free house.
However, Mr Kingsnorth says he has now been told the firm, which has a branch a few doors down, wants to demolish The Bull so it can expand its business.
“It’s a good little pub, it’s very well used but it’s out of my hands,” he told KentOnline.
“It’d be a massive shame because pubs are disappearing up this end of town and it’s a nice end of town.
“You don’t get many little local pubs like this anymore. They all turn into wine bars or fancy places.
“Everyone’s gutted. The staff, my family, and the customers are devastated – this has been their local for so many years.
“I’d stay here quite willingly but they have plans for their business, and it is just business at the end of the day.”
Mr Kingsnorth took over the pub in January 2011 with his partner of more than 20 years Sharron Hubbard. The pair married just weeks before she died in 2015 after a short battle with lung cancer.
More than 150 people attended their wedding with an additional 100 at the reception.
Sharron’s funeral procession was led by 17 bikers – all regulars at the pub – who rode along in memory of the mum-of-three.
With a riverside pub garden with a stage for live music, The Bull has gained a reputation for its entertainment offering.
It also has hosted a variety of sports and quiz teams and has been used as a base for charity fundraisers Cessy Crascall and the Sunshine Girls.
This year, £14,000 was raised for Demelza, which Mr Kingsnorth commemorated with a large cheque which hangs proudly on the wall.
It is hoped the football, darts and skittles teams will be able to relocate to The Red Lion pub nearby – though no pool teams will be able to since there are no tables there.
W.J Farrier and Son has been contacted for comment.
#Landlord #devastated #Bull #Inn #London #Road #Dover #shut #February #demolished
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