A pub landlord whose business has been plagued by roadworks says the decision to close the road again is “absolutely ridiculous”.
Gary Taylor predicts trade at The Alfred Arms in Ashford could fall by almost half when Newtown Road shuts for five weeks later this month – and then again in the summer.
Connecting South Willesborough to the town centre, the stretch will be out-of-bounds from February 17 until March 21 when gas repairs are carried out along a 1.1km stretch from the Ashford Designer Outlet to Mead Road.
And to make matters worse, Newtown Road is also to close for another two months from June 22 until August 31 for more gas works.
It marks the latest in a string of closures on the route following a six-week shutdown last summer, alongside multiple others following the construction of the Outlet’s extension before the pandemic.
Mr Taylor, who has run the pub for eight years, said: “It’s absolutely ridiculous and just doesn’t help us businesses.
“The council doesn’t even let me know either – we just end up finding out when everyone else does.
“So it’s not good for us and is a real pain in the bum. Our business will lose about 40% in profits.
“People won’t even be able to come around a different route like before because so much of the road is now shut.
“It will just make it an absolutely nightmare with all the cars parked and with people having to use Bad Munstereifel Road.”
Newtown Road is home to several ongoing and recently completed developments, including a total of 303 flats planned at the long-abandoned railway works.
The creation of dozens more homes are also still underway at the Penny Place development directly opposite.
When asked what could be done to help traders in the area, Mr Taylor replied: “I just don’t understand why it can’t be done all at once.
“It’s been at least three or four closures in the last 18 months or two years. Nobody ever seems to be working there when the road shuts too.
“Our regulars do come all the time and try and get here, but if they’re in the town it’s such a long way.
“You just think you’re getting somewhere and then they shut the road again.”
Previously, landlady Donna Popman, who took over nearby The Albion pub in February 2020, said roadworks in Newtown Road would have “a substantial effect” on trade.
Speaking last summer, she said: “It’s challenging times as it is – let alone facing another obstacle to overcome.”
But SGN insists the latest round of maintenance, which will see old metal mains replaced with new plastic pipes, needs to be carried out.
Spokesperson Dan Brown said: “The forthcoming closure on Newtown Road is part of an ongoing project to upgrade our gas network in the area [and] to ensure a safe and reliable gas supply is delivered to nearby properties.
“This section of our network has experienced a history of leakage. Replacing the affected pipes here will prevent future disruption of emergency repairs.
“We recognise this closure may be frustrating for residents and businesses, but this work is essential in keeping the local community safe and warm for many years to come.”
A signed diversion route will be in place during the closure via Avenue Jacques Faucheux, Bad Munstereifel Road, The Boulevard and Crowbridge Road.
The closure comes at the same time residents just a few hundreds metres away continue to be affected by a different set of roadworks in Gladstone Road.
The works are taking place at the four-way junction with Mead Road outside the Londis off-licence – and are to remain in place until February 28.
#Landlord #ofThe #Alfred #Arms #Ashford #hits #impact #fiveweek #roadworks #Newtown #Road #pub
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