Hindsight is always 20/20 and it’s usually a product of regret. Why not more foresight?
People were quick to blame those they think were responsible for the Maui wildfires. Now people are as quick to place blame for the California wildfires. But what would communities have been willing to pay for measures that could have averted those tragedies? The return of past diseases that had been under control is a troubling result of people who decided against vaccination. Why did it take a fatal fireworks disaster on Oahu to serve as a wake-up call? Does it need to be your neighborhood to catch fire?
Most people don’t want to be proactive, but they forget what it took to get to where they are. And it seems few have heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Saying coulda, shoulda, always comes too late.
Cyrus Won
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