Letter: DHHL put cart before horse with new project

Letter: DHHL put cart before horse with new project

A recent article discussed a high-rise rental apartment project, which will be located on a site that was once occupied by the Stadium Bowl-O-Drome. The project is aimed at Native Hawaiians on the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands waitlist.

A federal agency assisting with the financing of the project expressed concern that there might not be sufficient demand for the apartments. What? The fact that this concern exists apparently means that no one bothered to take the simple step of taking a poll of those on the DHHL waitlist to see if they are able and willing to move into this rental project. Shouldn’t this have been the first item on the checklist for the project to move forward? I find this astonishing.

Doug Tonokawa



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#Letter #DHHL #put #cart #horse #project

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