Our City and County officials, and elected members of our Legislature, all speak of “affordable housing” as a campaign slogan. And they all mention the need to control affordable housing costs, which in my opinion are far above what most people can afford. A $500,000 to 600,000 condo or apartment is deemed “affordable”? No. No. No.
Control of truly affordable housing can be realized only if the state or counties own the property, including any high-rise thereon, and select construction companies to build same. Unions must not stand in the way, and work with government leaders to help our people gain housing.
Perhaps the theory of the state being the “mortgage holder” is valid, with 20- or 30-year payment plans that allow the tenant to become the legal owner of said unit. Buyers must qualify as owners, not landlords.
Gilbert Horita
Ala Moana
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