There was a recent article describing a new 36-floor hotel tower for which Hilton is seeking permits to build on its Waikiki property (“Hilton Hawaiian seeks permits for new tower,” Star-Advertiser, Jan. 23). The article includes a long list of tourist- related businesses that have declared support for the project. No surprise there. Critics at the public hearing were primarily nearby condo owners who complained that their views will be blocked.
More importantly, the Honolulu unemployment rate as of December was a very low 2.7%. Where will Hilton get all the new staff needed for the 515-room tower? Where will all of those new staff be housed? I hope that City Council members ask Hilton these questions and give serious consideration to the impact on the already tight housing market when they are deciding whether to grant the permits. Always touted are the construction jobs such projects bring. Does that argument justify the project?
Doug Tonokawa
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