Did you read, “Cameras almost ready to ticket drivers” (Star-Advertiser, Feb. 2)? The empire installed 10 red light cameras that also check for speeding. Lucky us. Even before they go live, lawmakers are mulling an expansion of 187 more for a mere $10 million.
Red light and speed cameras are not about safety; they track citizens and generate revenue. Dare them to use the proceeds for homeless or Maui. No one testified against the proposal.
It begins under the guise of crime prevention. At least 42 states and 5,000 cities have contracts with a company called Flock Safety to track citizens by capturing license plates linked to DMV records. Cities are being sued for violating Fourth Amendment rights by tracking citizens without a search warrant. A class action suit might return the loot being taken from citizens just trying to get home.
The empire should protect us, not rob us.
Steve Barnes
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