Letter: Trump to make rich richer, grow inequality

Letter: Trump to make rich richer, grow inequality

“Make America Great Again” is a scam for making President-elect Donald Trump and his close associates even richer.

Clearly, Trump, a proven pathological liar, fraudster and felon, is turning the presidency, with his loyalist Cabinet appointments, into a crime syndicate of parasites seeking to get richer by making the rest of Americans poorer. The growing inequality between the rich and poor is not merely immoral and corrupt, it is social insanity that will inevitably generate more conflict, violence and crime.

Like the uncontrolled growth of cancer that can eventually destroy its host, growing inequality is destroying American society. America can only self-destruct, like any grossly unequal society. Consider Syria.

Some rich people avoid any meaningful charity and obsessively grow even more wealth because, ultimately, I feel they are fundamentally insecure.

There is a wise Daoist saying that he who knows he has enough is rich.

Leslie Sponsel

Hawaii Kai


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#Letter #Trump #rich #richer #grow #inequality

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