Local businesses frustrated with City of Spokane’s lack of graffiti removal | News

Local businesses frustrated with City of Spokane's lack of graffiti removal | News

Local businesses frustrated with City of Spokane's lack of graffiti removal | News

SPOKANE, Wash. — Despite the city’s efforts to clean up downtown Spokane, some local businesses feel the city still isn’t making the best impression. 

Everyday, thousands of people take the Division Street exit to get from I-90 to Spokane and are met with graffiti-covered buildings. 

Clarks Cleaners, near Division Street and 2nd Avenue, has a loyal customer base built over the last 40 years. 

Owner, Clark Kelsey, said although the area is a hot spot for crime, drugs and homelessness, he hasn’t given up on downtown yet. 

“Because I’ve got a huge investment, and it’s my business,” he said. 

Kelsey said he has seen some improvement over the last few years. 

“Through Covid and everything, it’s been tough, but it’s getting better, and I think it’s going to get better. The cops are doing a much better job down here,” he said. 

Graffiti, however, is still a big problem, according to Kelsey. 

“They may think it’s a minor issue, but impressions are everything,” he said. 

City code requires graffiti to be removed within 10 days, or the property owner will be fined or charged for the city to remove it. Kelsey said he doesn’t believe the city is enforcing the rule. 

“The city’s not doing their job,” he said. 

4 news Now asked the City of Spokane why Kelsey hasn’t seen much graffiti removal being done. 

The city said it’s working to expand how much they can clean up daily:

The City of Spokane and partner agencies respond to graffiti and litter issues on a daily basis, both proactively and in response to complaints. Gateways are a specific focus and while many of these areas require ongoing work, the City is taking steps to expand our clean up capacity. Code Enforcement is currently working to add staff to resume a downtown specific clean up and is proud to work alongside the Downtown Spokane Partnership, as well as Career Path Services, which employs formerly homeless individuals to assist with clean up. Together, we’re committed to keeping our city clean and welcoming for everyone, and we appreciate those who call our service lines to report graffiti, vandalism and illegal dumping.”

The Downtown Spokane Partnership’s cleanup efforts do not extend to Clarks Cleaner’s location. 

“It’s damaging for everybody. It’s such a no-brainer. It’s such an easy thing to remedy, compared to other things,” he said. 


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