Table Talk for February was held this past Sunday at the Carrollton Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Despite bitterly cold temperatures, folks still came out in force to eat a delicious meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, slaw, mixed fruit and pie. In fact, the turnout was so great, despite asking everyone to RSVP in advance and taking into consideration many that don’t, they still ran out of roast beef. Since next month is pork chops, it is imperative that everyone please RSVP to Bernie Faul at least a week before the event.
The Miss Carrollton Pageant People’s Choice winner Addi Campbell helped out by doing a variety of things during the two hour event. Here she is sitting out more slaw and mixed fruit cups. (Carmen Ensinger/Greene Prairie Press)
Behind the scene, someone has to do the dishes – in this case, John Langer volunteered to do the dirty deed. (Carmen Ensinger/Greene Prairie Press)
It takes more people than one thinks to put on this event – from those who serve the food to those who scrape out the leftovers on the plates, such as Amber Brannan is doing here. (Carmen Ensinger/Greene Prairie Press)
Queen Mum Angie Custer, who is mother to Miss Carrollton and Teen Miss Carrollton, Grace and Maggie Custer, got pushed into duty in their place as they were on a ski trip. Here she is chatting with Paul Reynolds after offering him some more tea. (Carmen Ensinger/Greene Prairie Press)
Sandra Edwards was one of more than 100 folks who braved the extremely cold weather Sunday morning to come and enjoy Table Talk at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. The whole purpose of the meal is to give the older folk in the area a place to come once a month and socialize and have a good meal and so far this year the crowds have been bigger than ever. (Carmen Ensinger/Greene Prairie Press)
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