Pennsylvania lawmakers clash over legalizing marijuana amid Governor's budget goal

Pennsylvania lawmakers clash over legalizing marijuana amid Governor's budget goal

Pennsylvania lawmakers clash over legalizing marijuana amid Governor's budget goal

(WHTM) — Many Pennsylvania state lawmakers and citizens want recreational marijuana, and many do not. Will marijuana ever be legalized in Pennsylvania? It depends on who you ask.

The Governor wants $1.2 billion for the Pennsylvania State Police, as well as legalizing marijuana, among other things. In budget hearings, State Police had to defend it, which at times proved to be uncomfortable.

“If recreational marijuana was legal in Pennsylvania would you allow your troopers to utilize it?” asked Appropriations Chairman Scott Martin (R-13).

“I would say at this point, no, we do not allow them to use medical marijuana, as well,” Commissioner of State Police Christopher Paris responded.

Senator Martin cites the possibilities of increased DUIs, the lack of breathalyzer tests for Troopers who suspect impairment, and workplace issues as reasons to keep the drug illegal.

“I don’t see that issue going anywhere with my Senate Republican caucus and for many different reasons,” said Sen. Martin. “How long or what levels of THC can be in someone’s system before they’re able to operate a forklift or drive a school bus?”

“I think it’ll happen this year,” said Senator Sharif Street (D-3). “I do. I don’t have a crystal ball on this stuff, but I think it will.”

Senator Street is a supporter of legalizing marijuana and he says so are many Pennsylvanians and neighboring states.

“Guess what? We need money,” said Street. “Pennsylvania needs revenue, and why should we let people in New Jersey, New York, and Ohio get our revenue from our citizens who are buying it over there?”

The Governor’s budget wants marijuana legalized by July 1 and implemented by January 1, 2026. Republicans argue that the revenue projections are too high.

“You’re saying you’re going to have this all done and it’s going to generate $500 million plus to spend this year? I don’t see that happening,” said Martin. “Nothing moves that fast with state government, not even close.”

It’s important to note that “No’s” in February can become “Maybe’s,” and could become “Yes” by the time the budget is complete on June 30. Will it happen? We’ll see.

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