Two college students in Indonesia have been sentenced to be publicly caned for engaging in same-sex relations.
The couple, aged 24 and 18, were arrested on November 7, 2024, after neighborhood vigilantes in the city of Banda Aceh, who suspected them of being gay, broke into their rented room to find them naked and hugging each other.
The lead judge, Sakwanah, said that the two students were “legally and convincingly” proven to have had gay sex — which is forbidden under Sharia law — and would thus be caned, receiving 85 and 80 lashes, respectively.
“During the trial it was proven that the defendants committed illicit acts, including kissing and having sex,” she said. “As Muslims, the defendants should uphold the Sharia law that prevails in Aceh.”
The three-judge panel decided against imposing the maximum sentence of 100 lashes because the men were outstanding students who had been polite in court, cooperated with authorities, and had no previous convictions.
Prosecutors requested that both men receive at least 80 lashes, but the judges decided to punish the 24-year-old more harshly because they believed he had encouraged the relationship and provided a place for sexual activities, according to the Associated Press.
Prosecutors and defense lawyers for the men said they accepted the sentence and will not appeal it.

Indonesia is a majority-Muslim country, but only Aceh province currently enforces a version of Sharia law. As a result, more than 100 people are publicly caned each year.
Additionally, the province instituted a criminal code that forces even non-Muslims to abide by Sharia law, with penalties for so-called “morality” offenses. Among those who have been caned are those who engage in extramarital relations, those who gamble, those who drink alcohol, women who wear tight clothes, and men who skip Friday prayers.
At least three couples convicted of engaging in same-sex relations have been publicly caned after being found guilty by religious tribunals.
As reported by Amnesty International, in 2009, Aceh’s provincial government adopted a law prescribing death by stoning for adultery and up to 100 lashes for same-sex relations. The stoning provision was ultimately dropped due to pressure from the Indonesian government.
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